For me, poetry is a beautiful way of contemplating my experiences. It is an incredible tool not just for creativity, but also for healing, and documenting the soul of the human existence. My most recent poems and short writing live on my Instagram, and my longer articles on Medium.

I also write poetry in Romanian.
To read it, go here.

My writing journey

  • My writing journey began early on, in Romania. It was around 7th grade that I started a magazine called Jeune (meaning ‘young’ in French) with my best friend. We used to write articles - opinion pieces, fictional stories, advice, and comics - either by hand or in Word on Windows 98 (#thegoodolddays). We would write and print them on colourful papers, bind them together and give it to our classmates. To our surprise, it got so popular even the teachers were passing it around. It was around that same age that, influenced by funny writing games my brother’s god parents used to play with us, I also began writing poetry for the first time.

  • During my teenage years, being immersed in English after moving to Canada, I had to learn how to express myself in a new language. I began to use poetry to make sense of my complicated and ever evolving feelings. In my mid 20s, I also began to write songs, as well as started to develop my writing as a compliment to my design and illustration skills, focusing on brand messaging, tag lines, slogans, and marketing copy.

  • Currently, I am mapping out my first Poetry Workshop and aiming to self publish a poetry book. Additionally, I continue writing about my personal experiences, opinions and feelings on Medium and on Instagram as I believe writing is a beautiful way of connecting with others in contemplating our shared experiences.

  • I think poetry is an art form worth protecting and promoting, and an incredible tool not just for creativity, but also for healing and documenting our experiences and existence. I’ve always found it quite beautiful how a few right words, a metaphor, can calm the soul faster than 10 pages of free writing. My hope is to inspire others to explore the power, fun, and beauty of poetry.

Poetry Prints

If a poem resonates with you and you would like a framed print of it for your wall, I can customize it to suit your home’s decor.

A few of the many.

Read more of my poetry on my Instagram.