Emotions We Hold

I've always been interested in non-verbal communication. I believe our bodies are important communication tools and emotion harbours. It's one of the reasons I love dancing so much. For this project, I chose to focus on the hands, as they are such an integral part of the way we communicate with each other. This video is about not just conveying emotions, but also about eliciting them. It’s about what's being said, as well as what's not being said. The things we conceal, and those we hold inside. My intent with this art film is to allow each viewer to go on their own personal emotional journey and pay attention to the emotions these images elicit in them. Memory, surprise, symbolism, and discomfort all play a role.

The soundtrack of the film was created entirely from egg shell sounds I recoded myself. I wanted the sound to enhance the emotional experience. In this sense, the egg became an important element in the story. We see it in 3 different stages - whole and un-cracked, its insides in a different container, and its shells. This alludes to the way we choose to display or hide our emotions, how we hold our emotions in different ways, and how they change over time.

From an aesthetic POV, the cohesion of the colours of all the props was important to me. I consciously divided the screen into light top and dark bottom via the wardrobe to create contrast and a sharp division. The red background has a hot intensity which purposely contrasts with the soft, cool lavender. After all, our emotions are a spectrum, and I wanted the colours to reflect that quality.

Concept / Direction / Art Direction / Editing / Soundtrack

when silence binds,
our hands grip
everything unspeakable

Best viewed in full screen with higher volume.